Our Faith :- Ebenezer Classic Junior School-Kakiri

Our Faith

Statement of Faith

  • GOD is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the Universe. There is one God who reveals himself to us as the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. This mystery is commonly called the Trinity: each “person” of the Trinity exists simultaneously and has distinct personal attributes, but there is no division of nature, essence, or being in God.
  • The Scriptures were written by those who were divinely inspired. The Bible is the written Word of God, revealing God’s will for humanity. It is the basis for our faith and practice as individual Christians, as churches, and as an association of churches. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the criteria by which we interpret the Scriptures.
  • Mankind was created in the image of God. All people sin; therefore, mankind is “fallen” from the position that God designed for it. God’s grace (gift of salvation) in Jesus Christ allows mankind to come back into fellowship with God. Because mankind is created in God’s image, and because Christ died for all, then all people are to be given dignity and respect.
  • Salvation is the gift of God, which we receive by faith in Jesus Christ who died for our sins. It involves fellowship with God and eternal life, beginning at the moment one entrusts himself to Jesus as Lord of his life and continuing on past this life, without end. God patiently seeks the salvation of all people, not desiring for any to perish. The “security of the believer” teaches that salvation, once received, cannot be lost; the believer is safe in the Father’s hand. However, a disobedient believer will be disciplined by the Heavenly Father.
  • Heaven and Hell are eternal dwelling places. Heaven—the place where God’s people live with him forever—is a gift to the believer. Heaven is also a place where rewards are received. Salvation itself is a gift from God, and not a reward. Heaven’s rewards vary and are based on individual faithfulness in this life. Those who do not receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior in this life will spend eternity apart from the loving presence of God in hell. Hell is a place of suffering where the devil and his followers dwell.
  • The Church is a term that is used in two ways in the Scriptures. In the broadest spiritual sense, the Church is the body of Christ, which includes all Christian believers of all ages. In a more tangible sense, the New Testament most often speaks of the church as a local body of baptized believers. All believers are members of the Church, and should express this through participation in the local church family of faith. Baptist churches are accountable to the membership under the Lordship of Christ and as each member has a voice and vote in the life of the church. All members of the local church family of faith are to be treated with dignity and respect according to the principles of the Scriptures. All members, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or national origin are gifted by God to participate in building up the church. The local church should encourage the giftedness of the members.
  • Baptism is an ordinance of the church: Jesus set it aside (“ordained” it) as a reminder and as an act of obedience. Baptism is by immersion in water and is a statement of one’s faith in Jesus who died, was buried, and rose again. It is also a statement that one has died to sin and is raised to a new life in Christ, looking forward someday to the resurrection from the dead. Baptism portrays a faith already held within the person, and has no saving power in itself.
  • The Lord’s Supper is the other “ordinance” of the church. In taking the Lord’s Supper (sometimes called “communion”), we remember especially the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross: the fruit of the vine reminds us of his blood that was shed, and the bread reminds us of his body that was given for us. Taking the Lord’s Supper together regularly as a church body also reminds us that we are united together by our common faith in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.
  • The Kingdom of God is the Lord’s spiritual reign over the lives of all who give allegiance to him, whether they be living on earth or in heaven. It includes all who are in the Church, but also includes believers in God prior to the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his Church.
  • Last Things refers to those things that will happen near the end of time. The Bible tells us that Jesus will come again visibly to receive his followers to himself. The evil forces of Satan and this world will be ultimately defeated and cast into hell, and God’s kingdom shall prevail forever.
  • Evangelism is every Christian’s privilege. We are all called to share personally with others how they may be saved by faith in Jesus Christ. By faithful giving, we also support the evangelistic efforts of our local churches, as well as the missions’ efforts of our denomination in the Uganda and around the world.
  • The Priesthood of the Believer or “soul competency,” means that every believer prays directly to God and may read the Bible to better understand the will of God. Other believers may help our understanding, but each one of us is able to stand before God without any intermediary other than Jesus Christ.
  • Servant Leadership is exemplified by the true nature of Jesus Christ. Jesus commanded that the Christian leader should not seek to rule over others, but rather to be the servant of all. The cross mandates laying down our rights for the good of others.

Use of Statement of Faith

The Statement of Faith shall be given to every person prior to their being offered employment at Ebenezer Classic Junior School. Persons shall only be employed at Ebenezer Classic Junior School if they are in complete agreement with the Statement of Faith.


The Board of Directors function as a policy governance body and do not become involved in the operation of Ebenezer Classic Junior School. Through the means of Ends Statements, the Board of Directors monitors the operation of the school by the Head of School.

The Board of Directors is comprised of Church Ministers, parents and others who have been associated with Ebenezer Classic Junior School through the years. All members must fully subscribe to the Statement of Faith.

School Improvement Process

Our School improvement process produces and maintains our school improvement plan:

Ebenezer Classic Junior School uses a school improvement process which integrates:

  • The board’s vision via a fully integrated “ends”-based governing system (policy governance/Carver model).
  • Continuous strategic thinking applied to day-to-day operations rather than an occasional strategic planning cycle.
  • Sustainable, focused, usable and well maintained school improvement plan.
  • Standards for accreditation
  • Help each student acquire a sense of values and virtues such as honesty, compassion, self- discipline, courage, responsibility, respect of authority, loyalty, perseverance, hard work, courtesy, fidelity, persistence, and commitment.


Understanding a Christian-Focused, Western-Style Education

The purpose of this section is to help you understand more about a Christian-focused, western-style education as you consider enrolling your child at Ebenezer Classic Junior School. We use a hybrid curriculum delivered in English.

The following are eight important concepts of the model of Christian-focused, Western-style education that Ebenezer Classic Junior School uses with some practical suggestions for parents to help your child be successful.

Ebenezer Classic Junior School’s Christian-focused, Western-style education;


1.     Explores a Christian perspective in all areas and subjects using the Bible and other Christian resources

Ebenezer Classic Junior School’s educational philosophy is based on the belief that everything in our lives and every square centimeter of creation belongs to God. Students are challenged and taught to see the world through the lens of the Bible. Christian teachers don’t avoid teaching about the world, but they help students see it just the way it is: created perfect by God, damaged by sin, and redeemed by Christ. The Bible is also used to learn skills for restoring every aspect of a fallen world whether at school, work, play, or in worship. Students, whether Christian or not, are taught to use the Bible as a powerful tool to work towards a better world. This instruction extends to co-curricular and outside-of-class activities.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Encourage your child to read the Bible and spend time with him or her studying the Bible’s stories and principles.
  2. Help your child learn more about Christian lifestyles through Christian movies, music, literature and
  3. Discuss both Christian and non-Christian things with your child, encouraging him or her to think deeply about the meaning of what happens in the world around us.
  4. Encourage participation in church and Sunday school as well as Christian camps, and


2.     Focuses on the student as a whole person

Because Ebenezer Classic Junior School prepares students to have the option of attending an academically sound secondary school, academics are very important. However, Ebenezer Classic Junior School remains dedicated to educating the whole person, spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically. A western-style school tries to strike a balance where no one aspect of the student’s education is emphasized over another. A Christian school looks for every child’s individual talents and teaches students to honor and use the gifts God has given them. We challenge our students to strive for the highest potential within their gifts, to develop strong character and leadership qualities, to learn to live in a global community, to serve others, and to accept responsibility.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Encourage your child to get involved in co-curricular activities such as athletics, drama, student government and music.
  2. Support your child’s involvement in co-curricular activities by attending his or her performances and
  3. Help your child discover his or her unique and special gifts and


3.     Emphasizes higher order thinking skills

Although some memorization and rote memory of content will always be required in a course of study, the integration, analyzing and application of information and ideas will be emphasized in a western educational system. It is important that a student has the ability to recall certain facts and knowledge; however, his or her ability to think critically is considered more important. The emphasis is on utilizing these facts to problem-solve and to apply information to real-life situations. In western education, the emphasis is not on how much you know, but on knowing where to find information, being able to discern its validity and usefulness, and applying knowledge to solve a problem. A Christian education also challenges students to seek consistency between their beliefs and actions.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Start when your child is young to encourage him or her to think through problems he or she encounters at home or with schoolwork. Don’t always give your child the answers or simple solutions, but permit him or her to ponder, puzzle and struggle with Help your child to reach solutions by giving hints but don’t permit him or her to get too frustrated.
  2. Encourage your family to work together or individually to solve simple puzzles or mind


4.     Involves the parents as team members in the educational process

In a western, Christian school like Ebenezer Classic Junior School, teachers and parents are seen as a team working together to educate each child. Teachers need the support of every student’s parents in order to be successful. Parents should communicate often with their children’s teachers and not be concerned that this would be seen as interfering or fear that such communications might negatively impact their children’s grades. To foster this close relationship between parents, teachers and students, it is important that parents understand that students need the constant support of a parent, relative, or significant adult who will be responsible on a daily basis for their health and general welfare. In order to achieve this, Ebenezer Classic Junior School requires that students live with one or both parents, or our boarding placement.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Frequently ask your child about school life and his or her academic Homework should be checked frequently and praised when appropriate.
  2. Attend all scheduled parent-student-teacher meeting and communicate with the teacher and administration when you have a question or
  3. Show your support through attending school activities, such as Back-to-School Day, athletic events, concerts, plays, sports days and meetings.


5.     Administers discipline in a fair and consistent manner to modify inappropriate behavior

In western education corporal punishment is not used. Discipline is meant to be educational and never used in a manner to degrade or demean a student. Discipline at Ebenezer Classic Junior School is administered by balancing Christian principles like justice and grace. A western school such as Ebenezer Classic Junior School sees the teacher and administration working as a team with parents to instruct children in appropriate behavior. Consistency and fairness in the administering of discipline are always important.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Support teachers and administrators when it is necessary to administer
  2. Frequently talk to your child to keep the line of communication You should talk to your child about school life and his or her friends.
  3. Parents and students should read and become thoroughly familiar with the school policies outlined in the Ebenezer Classic Junior School CAJ student


6.     Places a realistic emphasis on grades

In a school such as Ebenezer Classic Junior School, where most graduates go on to academically sound secondary schools, grades are important. However, an over-emphasis on a numerical or letter score may sacrifice true learning and create an unhealthy situation by overly stressing a student. Mastery of life skills such as collaboration, leadership and honesty is more important than grades. Western education tries to de-emphasize grades and emphasize the joy of learning and doing one’s individual best. Christian education encourages students to seek ways to honor God by using their individual gifts and talents. Creativity and imagination don’t always translate to a high grade point average (GPA) but are attributes that have long-lasting rewards. Learning can be taught to be a rewarding activity and not solely a means to achieve good grades. Ebenezer Classic Junior School wants to foster a love of learning where students desire to learn throughout their lives.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Offer some incentives or rewards for good grades but avoid putting too much pressure on your
  2. Avoid stern punishment when you and the teacher can determine that your child has done his or her Some children bloom or become motivated later in their school career.
  3. Remember that some children excel and are gifted by God in different areas of school life outside of academics and should be complimented for their


7.     Utilizes a variety of assessment tools

In a western school such as Ebenezer Classic Junior School, assessment is done in a number of different ways. Assessment is done frequently and is not dependent upon just one test to measure success or achievement. Western education uses not only paper-and-pencil tests but also verbal, anecdotal, portfolio, project, and presentation forms of assessment. One test is seldom the sole measure of success. It should be noted that advancement to the next grade level or higher level of education in high school is based upon units of credit as opposed to a single test score.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Encourage your child to place value and importance on every assignment he or she receives and not put all of his or her efforts into one or more test
  2. Monitor your child’s progress closely and help him or her to not become too discouraged by one test
  3. If your child is struggling academically, be sure to communicate promptly with the


8.     Emphasizes developing a personal worldview and living consistently using that worldview

Students at Ebenezer Classic Junior School are challenged to learn about the world and then make discerning choices about what they believe, how they react, and how they live. Whether Christian or not, all students are asked to be able to articulate and defend what they believe using faith, evidence and sound reasoning. Students are encouraged to engage in service projects and outreach programs and to be good stewards of resources.

Suggestions for Parents

  1. Ask your child regularly what they believe and why they believe
  2. Challenge your child to show behaviors consistent with what they believe and with high
  3. Discuss both Christian and non-Christian things with your child, encouraging them to think deeply about the meaning of what happens in the world around them.